7 tips for pet sitters at the 1st meeting with the pet owner

 Meeting before the actual care is an important factor for pet owners, the pet itself, and you as the pet sitter. It is a great chance for you to get to know the animal and the owner better. In addition, it is also extremely important for the pet owner, as he decides based on this meeting whether to confide his pet to you or not. That's why we have put together the most necessary points for pet sitters at the first meeting. 

7 tips for pet sitters at the 1st meeting with the pet owner
Pexels/Andres Ayrton

1. suggest several times

Many pet owners are busy people because of their work or family and do not use pet sitting for anything. Correspondingly, you should also always offer 2 to 3 different times. Ideally, you should suggest an alternative appointment between Monday and Friday after work, an appointment on the weekend, or even an appointment on a holiday or vacation day. 

2. take a small gift for the animal with you

Of course, it's also great if you can offer the animal a treat. Maybe you have a few treats in your pocket that you can give to the animal. This breaks the ice, the animal associates you with something positive and is directly more open-minded. 

At the same time, you show the pet owner that you love animals and think about them. Before you give the dog or cat the treat, you should always ask the pet owner if it's okay with him or her.

3. choice of the place of meeting

Meeting away from home

Neutral or public places are suitable as meeting places. Especially good meeting places are cafés and parks or green areas where dogs are allowed. The relaxed atmosphere ensures a relaxed and comfortable getting to know each other. Parks, of course, offer a great opportunity to see dogs and their behavior in a natural setting, play with them and get to know each other. The clean air, the presence of other dogs, and space and given time that comes with it provide lightheartedness for the pet and help build the bonds between sitter and pet. 

Meeting at home

When the owner comes over with their pet, your home should be organized, clean, and pet-proofed (more on that here). For the owner, it's a first chance to see where their pet is staying and what it's like.

You should be on the watch for any objects or food lying around and put them away or put them away safely. Every animal acts completely differently and it is best if there are no opportunities to cause major damage.

If you have a dog of your own and a dog is coming to visit, it is a good idea to walk both dogs and take them for a walk. Getting to know each other on the street or in the park is often less stressful than in your neighborhood. For all other animals, such as cats or rodents, a short sniffing session is a good way to introduce the animals to each other. Both parties should know exactly which animals share territory, when, and how.

If the owner is at your home, you should show them around and show them where their pet sleeps, where it plays and is fed, and where it is housed if you are not home. Furthermore, it is also nice if you show the owner your daily routine and how and where you will integrate the pet. You can also offer the pet owner a cup of coffee or tea.

Meeting at the pet owner's home

If you are invited to the owner's home, let him show you where the food, toys, hygiene items, and other accessories are located.

If you are staying overnight at the owner's house, you should discuss things like access, sleeping and cooking facilities, bathroom use, and anything else that is important, and formulate clear rules and commitments (read more here). In addition, all the particularities around the animal should also be clarified so that there are no irritations. 

4. punctuality

As a pet sitter, make sure you are there on time at the arranged time.  If both parties have agreed on the meeting place and time, as a pet sitter, just be there a little bit earlier so that the owner doesn't have to wait under any conditions. If you show up late, it's not only rude but also indicates unrespectful.

This shows the pet owner that his dog or cat may not be in good hands with you. In addition, he has directed a bad image of you.

5. do not forget the owner

Actually, this is clear, but often animal-loving people rush directly to the animals and forget the owner completely. This should not happen to you as a pet sitter, because it looks unprofessional. Introduce yourself to the owner and try to build trust and respect from the first moment. Some important topics of conversation include the pet's demeanor and temperament, as well as pet care issues. These include topics such as diets, favorite activities, health, and special quirks of the pet. Here you can use your checklist or ours to go over all the important points with the owner, take input directly, and not forget any question. 

6. walk with the dog & the owner

If the animal is a dog, you can use the time at the meeting to go for a walk. This way you can get familiar with the dog and see how it gets along with strange people, dogs, and also other animals.

Dogs are different and have different moods and habits. During the walk, you will get a good impression if you can control the dog. 

7. finish meeting

Successful meeting

If you feel that you are ready for the challenge and you get a good understanding of the owner and the animal, you can take the next steps together with the owner.

If it does not seem to be a good fit

If you feel it's not a good enough fit on your end, you need to communicate that and be honest. Nothing is worse than an unhappy owner-sitter-pet combination. Thank them for meeting you and pet the animal again at the end. Maybe you know someone else who could be a sitter? If so, you can recommend him or her. However, if a new sitter is needed quickly, you can let the owner know that they can call us and we will assist them in finding a new sitter.