Heat stroke in dogs: how to help him in an emergency


Heat stroke in dogs: how to help him in an emergency

The summer heat can be dangerous for dogs. How you can recognize heat stroke in your dog and how to react correctly in an emergency, you will learn here.

Especially older dogs or dogs with circulatory problems can suffer from heatstroke on hot days. But basically, it can affect any dog that is exposed to the sun or high temperatures without protection, for example inside a car.

How you can recognize a heat stroke in your dog and how you can help him properly in an emergency, you will learn here.

Recognize heatstroke in dogs

Heatstroke in dogs is manifested by heavy panting, movement disorders, staggering, and a racing pulse. The gums are intensely bright red. In the advanced stage, vomiting, shock, and unconsciousness occur. At this point, at the latest, you must act without fail!

First aid for heatstroke

The dog must be cooled down immediately. Here's how to give first aid to a dog in heatstroke:

  • Take the dog into the shade.
  • Cool his body and head with cool or lukewarm water.
  • Give him cool water to drink.
  • Massage his limbs to stimulate circulation.

In any case, even if the dog seems to get better right away, be sure to take him to a veterinarian.

How to prevent heatstroke

Dogs protect themselves from overheating by panting and have only a few sweat glands on their paws. So they can't cool their whole body by sweating as we humans can. Short-nosed dogs, like the Pug or French Bulldog, have an even harder time cooling down than dogs with a longer snout.

To avoid heatstroke in your dog, do not take long walks or bike rides on humid (even cloudy) days in the summer. Your dog should never be left in a car in the summer - even five minutes can be torture.

You can see how quickly a car heats up in summer here:
If you are outdoors with your dog, your dog should always have access to shade and get enough fresh drinking water. The right dog food for hot days can also help. Be sure to try these tips to avoid heatstroke.

Make drinking more attractive

Especially in the summer, it's important to make sure your dog is drinking enough water. Drinking fountains and special water dispensers will encourage your dog to drink more.